Road Safety World Series 2022, which took place at Kanpur's Green Park in Uttar Pradesh during its first few matches, moved to Indore in Madhya Pradesh after a few matches in Kanpur. In Match 8 Bangladesh Legends faced New Zealand Legends. There has been only one match between Bangladesh Legends and West Indies Legends so far in the tournament, and they lost that match by 6 wickets. In their first encounter, the New Zealand Legends lost by nine wickets to South Africa Legends five days ago. They will be looking to get their first win of the tournament in their second encounter.
The Bangladeshi team put up an excellent fight during this contest, but they ultimately came in second. With the match at 18-3, they stumbled and struggled to respond, but a brilliant partnership between Ghosh and Kapali helped them come within a few runs of a total that gave them some hope. Although they caused some jitters for New Zealand during the powerplay, they weren't able to capitalize on it. Mahmud's 21-run fourth over was all they needed to gain momentum, and they haven't looked back since. As soon as Brownlie and How got their side back on track after an iffy start, they took control of the game. Kapali attempted to make an impact with the ball as well, dismissing How in his first over but the outcome wasn't as he had hoped. With Taylor coming in at the middle, he breezed through the remaining run chase, fittingly scoring the winning runs and ruining Kapali's bowling figures in the process. As a result of this win, New Zealand Legends have obtained their first victory in this tournament by 8 wickets. In spite of a few changes in their squad, they managed to outperform their opponents and now they will hope to continue this winning streak.
Bangladesh Legends vs New Zealand Legends New Zealand Legends won by 8 wickets |
New Zealand Legends - Hamish Bennett, Jacob Oram, Ross Taylor, Jamie How, Kyle Mills, Jason Spice, Scott Styris, Dean Brownlie, Shane Bond, Bruce Martin, Aaron Redmond, Neil Broom, Anton Devcich, Gareth Hopkins, Craig McMillan.
Bangladesh Legends - Shahadat Hossain, Abdur Razzak, Alamgir Kabir, Aftab Ahmed, Alok Kapali, Mamoon ur Rashed, Nazmus Sadat, Dhiman Ghosh, Dolar Mahmud, Khaled Mashud, Mohammad Sharif, Mehrab Hossain, Elias Sunny, Nazimuddin, Abul Hasan.
Match 8 of Road Safety World Series 2022 happened at Holkar Cricket Stadium, Indore Madhya Pradesh