One of India’s prestigious domestic tournament, Ranji Trophy 2022 has now reached the finals. It’s the battle between the 41 time champions Mumbai and first timer since the 1998- 99 season Madhya Pradesh.
Madhya Pradesh made an amazing standing after they topped the group stage without losing a single match, while Mumbai the most successful team of the coveted domestic tournament, finish the top of group D with two win and 1 draw match, they also created a record after beating Uttarakhand by 725 runs the largest win in first class cricket by runs in the quarter finals.
Team Squad:
Madhya Pradesh Cricket Team
Aditya Shrivastava -Team Captain
Rajat Patidar
Shubham Sharma
Ajay Rohera
Rameez Khan
Yash Dubey
Mihir Hirwani
Kumar Kartikeya
Ishwar Pandey
Kuldeep Sen
Gaurav Yadav
Anubhav Agarwal
Akshat Raghuwanshi
Arshad Khan
Puneet Datey
Saransh Jain
Himanshu Mantri
Parth Sahani
Rakesh Thakur
Prithviraj Singh Tomar
Mumbai Cricket Team
Prithvi Shaw - Team Captain
Ajinkya Rahane
Yashasvi Jaiswal
Aakarshit Gomel
Arman Jaffer
Sarfaraz Khan
Sachin Yadav
Aditya Tare
Hardik Tamore
Shivam Dube
Aman Khan
Shams Mulani
Tanush Kotian
Prashant Solanki
Dhaval Kulkarni
Shashank Attarde
Mohit Awasthi
Arjun Tendulkar
Roystan Dias
Prince Badiani
Siddharth Raut
Who would win this final match?
Would the 41 time champion got the trophy , or would the Madhya Pradesh got the championship after their last win in season 1998- 99?
Check and visit 11ic for the update.